CSR Opportunities

CSR Opportunities

Why should you associate with The Helping Hands Welfare Society?

he high dropout rate of girls in India. According to the ministry of human resource development (MHRD), 62.1 million) children are out of school in India. The 2011 Census estimated the figure at 84 million—nearly 20% of the age group covered under the Right to Education (RTE) Act..

We at Helping Hands Welfare Society strive to address issues related  to malnutrition, hunger and deprivation of education by incentivising to bring children to school. Our aim is to nourish children ensuring they access education. For this, we need your support. 

By working with at Helping Hands Welfare Society, you strengthen us in reaching more children every day. Your CSR activity would ensure nourishment to each child we reach and keep them in school and Health Checkup, Medical Camps, Feeding the poor people.You could help us in developing sustainable models and augment our scalability. 

The Helping Hands Welfare Society needs valuable support from its philanthropic corporate partners. As a part of their Corporate Social Responsibility, many private and public sector organisations have wholeheartedly come forward to support the cause of Helping Hands Welfare Society. 

CSR opportunities are made available for the companies who choose to partner with us. Below are a few of them:

  • Strategic philanthropy through funds & in-kind contributions
  • Cause-marketing initiatives
  • Events & sponsorship
  • Innovations & project solutions for children and poor people feeding.

For more details, please contact us at info@helpinghandswelfaresociety.org